90 Days of Calmness Offer Aug 27th
We can have all the knowledge in the world, but when we don't put into practice, it becomes useless and inert.
Here is your opportunity to make Calmness a practice for you in your daily life.
You will receive:
Weekly Group Calls ……………………………………..…….. $900 value
Assignments for Practice………………………………..…..... $500 value
One on One Coaching……………………………….……… $1,200 value
Assessment of Your Calm after the 90 Days …....................$200 value
A Blueprint for a Self Care Program …………..................... PRICELESS
For a total $2,800 value
This 3 month Calmness Coaching regularly priced at $999.99.
Today you can receive this course for only $300.00.
Take Action for this Exclusive Offer which will be only available until midnight.
Here is your opportunity to make Calmness a practice for you in your daily life.
You will receive:
Weekly Group Calls ……………………………………..…….. $900 value
Assignments for Practice………………………………..…..... $500 value
One on One Coaching……………………………….……… $1,200 value
Assessment of Your Calm after the 90 Days …....................$200 value
A Blueprint for a Self Care Program …………..................... PRICELESS
For a total $2,800 value
This 3 month Calmness Coaching regularly priced at $999.99.
Today you can receive this course for only $300.00.
Take Action for this Exclusive Offer which will be only available until midnight.